Friday 27 June 2014

a fun time was had

We got to Hylands Park for the 3 foot festival about half an hour before it opened so we had to queue...

Once we got in James Mum & Dad (who we went with) wanted to get a coffee so I let Evie play some football ;o)

Evie picking up a football so that she can throw it

We went into one of the dancing tents ;o)

head shoulders knees & toes knees & toes

One of the tents were letting children colour in face masks ;o)  Evie chose a pirate one ;o)

she chose this instead of the princess one

Evie couldnt quite get the grasp of putting your head through a hole ;o)

I am not going to put my head through that hole

so she ended up sitting in front ;o)

I would rather sit in front if you dont mind

Evie wouldnt have her picture taken with the bear

Evie wouldnt have her photo taken with him

I couldnt find any of these places (and they werent in the guide book either ;o))

couldnt find these places anywhere

I searched high and low for them

I was devestated that I couldnt find the chocolate pond

the kids werent allowed to climb on this

why have this at a childrens festival if they cant climb on it

Evie enjoying her nannies ice cream ;o)

enjoying an ice cream

and Evie was too tired to play on this by the end of the day

I should have let her have a play when she had the energy


Eileen H said...

Looks like a fantastic day.
Love the signs and the road to nowhere, no wonder you couldn't find the places :-)

chocolat lover said...

the signs were funny ;o)