Friday 6 June 2014

she chose a Thomas one

Me & James have been talking about getting a bed for Evie...

After (virtually) trawling around the different bed websites and we have chosen this one ;o) and its not too "little girly" either so it wont embarrass her when she is eight or nine if she has friends around ;o)

We decided against getting a toddler bed as we would then have to buy a bigger one in a few years time!

We have also ordered this mattress too.

I wanted to order this duvet set (as its online only) and they havent got any in stock yet!

Knowing that we would be ordering a bed for Evie in the next few days we showed her the bedding while we were in Sainsburys and Evie chose a Thomas the Tank Engine bedding set ;o)  I was hoping that she would go for something girly...

...but as long as she wants to sleep in the bed thats the main thing ;o)


Eileen H said...

We bought adult beds for our children, but we didn't have the internet or choice back then. I agree you have to think ahead too.
Nice that Evie can choose her own bedding :-)

chocolat lover said...

the internet has made buying things so much easier...