Wednesday 11 June 2014

they didnt call

On Friday I ordered Evies bed ;o)

On the order confirmation it clearly said that they would call me to organise a delivery date...

...well about 10 minutes ago the doorbell rang (I thought that it might be the mattress coming early, it is supposed to being delivered between 12pm and 2pm) but no it was the bed! ;o)

Despite telling the woman that I have a hernia she left the package so that it blocked the stairgate, still I managed to inch both of the packages so that we can get up the stairs and into the hall.

And James can lug them upstairs later ;o)


Eileen H said...

Seriously, you need to make a complaint. You should not be pushing pieces of furniture around!!

chocolat lover said...

once next week is over with I will do...